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Kennedy Financial Services, Inc.
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Be Prepared for the Inevitable or Unexpected in Today’s Age
Preparing for the inevitable, or the unexpected, is not something that a lot of people like to think about. And today’s high-tech world is creating numerous, unintended challenges for loved ones. Here are some tips for why, what, and how to best leverage technology to make things easier for loved ones.
The Dirty Dozen of Long-Term Healthcare Stats
Have you ever thought about what it could mean for your family if you needed care? What decisions would need to be made? Who would make them? How would things look? What impact would this have on your spouse and kids?
My Estate Plan - A Will vs A Trust
Having an estate plan ensures that your wishes for your estate are carried out when you pass away or if you become unable to make decisions for yourself. This week we’re looking at the differences between a Will and a Trust.
2024 Election and Taxes
Election day is right around the corner. It’s important that you’re well educated on the tax proposals for each candidate. No matter what your political views are, be sure that you get out and vote.
What Do You Want Your Story to Be?
Imagine yourself in your favorite spot in the world. You are in the last days of your life and looking back at your story. What do you want your story to be? Are you living that story today? If not, why not? If not, how do you change your course?
Retirement - The Easy Years Are Over
The accumulation years are the easy years…if any years are really easy years. And frankly, that is when you need to start thinking and become proactive about your retirement years. Here are some things to consider.
90 Reasons Why Not to Invest in the Stock Market
The stock market has been a subject of debate for years, with various reasons for not investing. Some of the most common reasons include the Great Depression, economic struggles, etc. However, there is a good reason to invest in the stock market.
The Real 80/20 Rule
What 80/20 rule do you need to work on? Maybe there is more than one. Prioritize, get help, let us help. Just don’t sit and do nothing. 80% of 0 is ALWAYS 0!
Is Your IRA a Tax Nightmare?
Retirement planning and tax planning are complicated to say the least. Which is why we have a job. And your job is to have a plan, because no plan actually is a plan and could be your biggest nightmare.
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Disclosure: Securities offered through Calton & Associates, Inc. member FINRA and SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Investment advisory services offered through Smart Money Group, LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Smart Money Group, LLC and Kennedy Financial Services, Inc. are not owned or controlled by Calton & Associates, Inc.